
En samling af forskning relateret til mangfoldighed og inklusion i den danske filmbranche

Meget af den tidligere forskning om dansk film mangler et kritisk perspektiv, ender med at gengive de stereotyper, der hævdes at være undersøgt og problematiserer ikke nøglebegreber som ‘multikulturalisme’. Derfor er det også vigtigt at se på forskning uden for Danmark.

Skriv gerne til, hvis du har et forskningsdokument der skal tilføjes.


Racialized Representation in Danish Film


“Denne afhandling undersøger racialisering i dansk film. Undersøgelsen afdækker nogle af de udfordringer minoritetsracialiserede filmfolk møder i deres forsøg på at navigere racialisering og andetgørelse i den danske filmbranche. Ydermere afdækker afhandlingen måderne hvorpå filmbranchen og det Danske Film Institut’s (DFI’s) diversitetsinitiativer, modsat deres intention, risikerer at bidrage til asymmetriske racialiserende dynamikker og vedligeholdelse af marginaliserende strukturer i den danske filmbranche.”

Tess S. Skadegård Thorsen



Repræsentation af mangfoldighed


“Der er et voksende fokus blandt danske kulturinstitutioner på at repræsentere Danmarks mangfoldige befolkning. Dette fokus ses bl.a. i grundlæggelsen af specialiserede museer og udstillingssteder, der udelukkende har fokus på at repræsentere forskellige grupper af Danmarks etniske minoriteter1 (dvs. de individer, der ikke omtales som en del af Danmarks såkaldte etniske majoritet). Det er dog langtfra kun i disse specialiserede kontekster, repræsentationen af Danmarks mangfoldighed finder sted. Tværtimod finder vi flere udstillinger blandt de kulturinstitutioner, der ikke har etniske minoriteters udtryk og historie som del af deres primære fokus – om end det sjældent er termerne etnisk minoritet og majoritet, der omtales som del af ’mangfoldigheden’.”

Sabrina Vitting-Seerup



The politics of gendered work and representation in the Nordic screen industries

Journal of Scandinavian Cinema│Vol. 12 Nr. 2

Louise Wallenberg & Maaret Koskinen


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed forskning,


Screen agencies as cultural intermediaries: Delivering gender equality in the film and television sectors?

European Journal of Cultural Studies│1–20

Caitriona Noonan & Maria Brock


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed forskning,


Approaching Race and Ethnicity in Nordic Film Culture

Journal of Scandinavian Cinema│Vol. 12 Nr. 1

Kate Moffat & Zélie Asava


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed, forskning, Filmorganisationer, DFI, dansk filminstitut, Ekkofilm, filmmagasinet ekko, ekko film, Producentforeningen


Repræsentationsarbejde i den danske filmindustri

Kvinder, Køn & Forskning│Nr. 2

Steen Ledet Christiansen


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed forskning,


‘Enriching Danish Film with Cultural Diversity’: Danish representational politics through the lens of the Danish Film Institute

Black Film British Cinema II│Kapitel 11

Tess S. Skadegård Thorsen


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet


Opgøret med diversitetsdiskurs│
Ahmed, Sara: Et Ugyldigt Arkiv

Women, Gender & Research│Nr. 2

Tess S. Skadegård Thorsen

[Book Review]│2021

mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed forskning,


Representation in Danish Films


This MA thesis seeks to explore representation of female minority groups with Middle Eastern ethnicity in Danish films. I will be exploring recent claims of Middle Eastern women being represented as oppressed in films, thus I will be investigating and answering the following research questions: How is the stereotype of oppression applied to the non-white Danish character with Middle Eastern background in the two films Kald Mig Bare Aksel and Fighter? How are the characters (not) represented as oppressed? To analyse this matter, I select two films which I will be analysing (1) Kald Mig Bare Aksel (Bovin, 2002), (2) Fighter (Arthy, 2007). I will use grounded theory method when approaching my research and structuring the analysis of the films.

Nahida Vasie


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed, forskning, Filmorganisationer, DFI, dansk filminstitut, Ekkofilm, filmmagasinet ekko, ekko film, Producentforeningen


Grænseoverskridende adfærd – Diskrimination, chikane, uønsket seksuel opmærksomhed, vold og magtmisbrug i film-, tv- og scenekunstbranchen

Kommunikation & Kultur, Aarhus Universitet│

Camilla Møhring Reestorff


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed forskning,


Black Film British Cinema II

Kapitel 11, skrevet af Tess S. Skadegård Thorsen

Clive Nwonka & Anamik Saha


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet


Culture is bad for you Inequality in the cultural and creative industries

“Offering a powerful call to transform the cultural and creative industries, Culture is bad for you examines the intersections between race, class, and gender in the mechanisms of exclusion in cultural occupations. Exclusion from culture begins at an early age, the authors argue, and despite claims by cultural institutions and businesses to hire talented and hardworking individuals, women, people of colour, and those from working class backgrounds are systematically disbarred.”

Orian Brook, Dave O’Brien and Mark Taylor


Politiken mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, adoptionsfilm


Minoritets-beskatning – et værktøj til at forstå opretholdelse af strukturelle uligheder i dansk akademia

Kvinder, Køn & Forskning │Nr. 1-2

Tess S. Skadegård Thorsen


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed forskning,


Racialization in the Nordic Countries: An Introduction

AAU│Nr. 1-2

Peter Hervik


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed forskning,


Race, Ethnicity and Gang Violence: Exploring Multicultural Tensions in Contemporary Danish Cinema

Scandinavian-Canadian Studies│Vol. 25 Nr. 1

Kate Moffat



Mangfoldige film eller ren fiktion?


“The purpose of this Master’s thesis is to examine how minority groups are represented in the highest grossing films in Danish cinemas in two periods of time, respectively 1976-­‐‑1980 and 2012-­‐‑2016. On the basis of this research area the purpose of the thesis is twofold. Firstly, the aim is to identify the prevalence and representation of these groups. Secondly, it is to examine whether or not the representations of respectively women and sexual and ethnic minorities are predominantly stereotyped or diverse, and in continuation of this; whether they have changed over time. This problem area emerged in connection with the media’s current focus on diversity in films, which was brought up to discussion even further by the recent Harvey Weinstein scandal in Hollywood.”

Ann Katrine Huted Østergaard
Sofie Amalie Edlev
Julie Ottosen



(Post-)Migration in the age of globalisation: new challenges to imagination and representation


Anne Ring Petersen & Moritz Schramm


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed forskning,


Race and the Cultural Industries

“In this important book, Anamik Saha encourages readers to focus on the production of representations of racial and ethnic minorities in film, television, music and the arts. His interdisciplinary approach combines critical media studies and media industries research with postcolonial studies and critical race perspectives to reveal how political economic forces and legacies of empire shape industrial cultural production and, in turn, media discourses around race.”

Anamik Saha


Politiken mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, adoptionsfilm, anamik saha, Race and the Cultural Industries


Theatre and Migration – Documentation, Influences and Perspectives in European Theatre

Independent Theatre in Contemporary Europe: Structures – Aesthetics – Cultural Policy│

Azadeh Sharifi


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed, forskning, Filmorganisationer, DFI, dansk filminstitut, Ekkofilm, filmmagasinet ekko, ekko film, Producentforeningen


Working towards diversity with a postmigrant perspective: how to examine representation of ethnic minorities in cultural institutions


Sabrina Vitting-Seerup


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed forskning,


POSTMIGRATION Mod et nyt kritisk perspektiv på migration og kultur│Årg. 44 Nr. 122

Anne Ring Petersen & Moritz Schramm


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed forskning,


Media Industries Journal – Vol 3 | The rationalizing/racializing logic of capital in cultural production

Media Industries Journal│Vol. 3

Anamik Saha


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet


Diversity Pie: Rethinking Social Exclusion and Diversity Policy in the British Film Industry

Journal of Media Practice│Vol. 16 Nr. 2

Clive Nwonka


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed forskning,


Speaking images, race-less words: Play and the absence of race in contemporary Scandinavia

Journal of Scandinavian Cinema│Vol. 4 Nr. 1

Elisabeth Stubberud & Priscilla Ringrose


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed forskning,


‘Curry Tales’: The production of ‘race’ and ethnicity in the cultural industries


Anamik Saha


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet


”Er det fordi jeg ikke er perker?” Post-antiracismen i dansk film

SDU – Center for mellemøststudier│Årg. 44 Nr. 122

Mehmet Ümit Necef


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed forskning,


Dansk film på krykker


“CARRYING THE CANE IN DANISH FILM. On the Representation of Physical Disability in Danish Feature Films from 1931-2011 Since the 80s, disability studies – including the study of how people with disabilities are represented in the media – have flourished around the world. This is not the case in Denmark, however, where disability has gone unnoticed in film studies. Filling the resulting gap of knowledge is the purpose of this master thesis which constitutes the first Danish disability film history ever written.”

Sarah Glerup



Jeg vil bare gerne spille et menneske – ikke en sterotyp


“This study is aimed at improving knowledge within the area of ethnic minority actors and their role in the Danish film and television industry by investigating the challenges and barriers met by ethnic minority actors in the Danish film and television industry. Beyond this, the thesis also investigates how ethnic diversity can be improved from their point of view.”

Sarah Glerup



Perkere og andet godtfolk│De ‘fremmede’ i dansk film

Kosmorama│Vol. 240

Eva Jørholt


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed forskning,


Min bedste film: om unges filmoplevelser

MedieKultur: Journal of media and communication research | Vol. 16

Christa Lykke Christensen


mangfoldighed, mangfoldighed dansk film, mangfoldighed filmbranchen, repræsentation dank film, mangfoldighed i filmbranchen, diversitet, mangfoldighed forskning,

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